Kamis, 11 November 2010

Reflection Journal (TLL) : Observation Task

TLL Observation Task
In my school experience program for two weeks, I did my observation about the media that is use in language teaching.  I didn’t find any digital media during teaching and learning process occur in the classroom actually. The teacher only uses whiteboard and marker as the main media for teaching.  I thought, it not because that school didn’t have the facilities but because there is not any chance to use it maximally. In my school that I have observed, there is a projector in some classes, computers in some rooms, and also Internet network. But unfortunately that is not available in English class that I observed there. So, if the English teachers want to use the projector or computer with Internet connection, they should alternate with others teachers. That is why the using of digital media here is not too maximal.
Although the teacher only teach her students by using whiteboard , marker, and some books, the teaching-learning  process in that class room still effective. It happened because the teacher can use the media maximally to teach and deliver her knowledge to the students. She makes the materials easy to understand and still interesting. She used the books as her resource and explained it well by write it in the whiteboard. I thought, the lack of number of digital media in the classroom is not the big problem for the students there. Most of the students have had their own digital media at home.  The have learned about the materials by using their own digital media outside the school hours. It was evident when I asked all students to send their reflections via email.
Based of my experience during my observation, I got some ideas for my teaching method if I teach the same lesson in the same condition. Firstly, I will use the facilities that have already available as can as possible or I will teach my students with my own digital media that I have maximally. Secondly, I will use the books as the resources for the material that is related to the subject. But I also ask the students to get more resources from the Internet outside school hours. Thirdly, although the using of digital media is doesn’t work well in the school, I will invite the students for join online discussion such as using blogger, group in facebook, etc.  
I think that’s all for my reflection about the using of digital media in the classroom. I hope I can learn more from my observation that I have done. As the prospective teacher, it will be my provision for me to be better and better. Hopefully!

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