Kamis, 11 November 2010

Reflection Journal (PETA) : Observation Task 1

My Reflection for the first week
(Teaching Assistant)
I have done my job as the teacher assistant as well as possible in Senior High School 54 , Jakarta.  In the first week, I found many interesting thing there. I observed about the effective & ineffective teaching & learning in the classroom actually. I did my observation n 3rd grade of saint’s class. Well, I did it and i got many new things that is very useful for me as the prospective teacher in the future. I will explain about everything that I have observed one by one in this reflection. I'll tell the effective way first and then the ineffective.
For the effective teaching and learning process in the class room:
Firstly, Teacher could manage the classroom well. I thought it’s the important key for the teacher in the order to make she teach her students well. By manage the classroom well, she could create a good atmosphere in the classroom, made her students comfort with that condition & enjoy the teaching-learning process in the classroom. She could control every student’s activities to do not too noisy when they learn & make them concentrate with her explanation. Finally, it impact to the student’s understanding. Students understood about the lesson easily.
Secondly, teachers always remind her students about the previous lesson and check their homework together before the new class begins. I though this way is effective to see and to measure the students’ understanding level about every subject. Teacher could know whether her student really understand or not with her explanation and also to ensure that the students be able to continue the next subject.
Thirdly, teacher gave the students some task to do after she explains about the lesson. This way was also effective I guest, because its purpose to make students could apply what they have learned from the explanation before directly.
For the ineffective teaching and learning process in the class room:
Firstly, the teacher used teacher centered learning method when she teaches her students. It made the students passive and not creative in the classroom. There was less communication between teacher and students or student and student. For example, asking-answer question session is less attention. The students just listen to the teacher’s explanation and do something based on their student instruction.
Secondly, the teacher always did the same way when she teaches her student. I mean that, there are not variations in her teaching method. So, sometimes it’s look monotone and boring.
Thirdly, the teacher doesn't have any markers to write the explanation on the white board. Maybe it looks like the simple thing  "'marker", but it could be the problem in teaching and learning process. For the visual students, some explanation in the whiteboard is important actually. I thought the teacher doesn't give attention for that case.
So, I thought that’s all the result for my first week. I hope I could learn more from the effective & also ineffective teaching-learning process in that class. As the prospective teacher I also want to apply the effective one and practice everything that I have learned from my PETA class. I want to be a good teacher and also the effective teacher. Hopefully I can teach my students well. Not only make them interested but also make them easy to understand about my explanation. Hopefully!

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