Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010

Reflection Journal (TLL) : Week 3 Mobile Phone & Mobile Learning

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In this meeting, on 14th of October 2010, our topic is about mobile phone or hand phone and mobile learning. I think, It has became familiar for us, hasn't it?
Almost everyone has mobile phone, kids, teenager, adult, etc. But do they know about its functions? I think not too much, just a little bit.
Ok ! We are talking about mobile phone features now. Let's we observe it together ^_^

Look at this mobile phone's features list bellow !!!

What do you think? Does your mobile phone has all those features? Or more that it?
As the student who has hand phone, Can your mobile phone help us in learning process?

As we know, nowadays we can do everything easier with technology. Mobile phone is the one part of technology that is created to make communication process between people become easy. Not only for communicate but also mobile phone can be used in learning process actually. The way of learning that use mobile phone is called by Mobile Learning. This way is useful for the students to access their lesson by their phone. Student can access explanation of the material, question and exercise easily. In learning language, usually teacher may use this way to improve their students vocabulary, listening, spelling etc. Mobile learning has applied by some country in the world, for example in Canada, Indonesia, America etc. Ok, I'll share you more about mobile learning by watch the video.

Let's see the video about mobile learning below !!!

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