The teacher gave students 10 minutes to prepare all the thing that they need on the stage. Then, my students came closer and asked me whether they borrow my laptop or not because they needed it. After borrowing my laptop, some of them went to toilet for dressing. While my students were dressing, the teacher asked a volunteer that what to be the first. No one raised their hand. When the hall was silent, suddenly my student who just finished dressing entered the hall and said "Yes, Ms..What happens?". All the students were laughing at him and it made my students confused. The teacher also laughed and then asked him and his friend to be a volunteer which will be the first group. And taraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! My class became the first group! Ulaaalaaa...
They performed "Harlem Shake dance", "Oppa Gang-nam Style Dance", "Seriosa Song" etc. This was not a parody I thought. They only meddle some song and then acted like they were singing. The other class also did so. Only one class that did the right one. Hm, I thought the students need more explanation about what "Parody" is.
After perfoming Fun English project, students listened some additional information from the teacher. The teacher also explained about what parody is.Well, finally they realized that what they already perfomed was not a parody. Next time, if the teacher asked them to perform a parody, they would understand.. Hopefully. Hehe :D
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